How to Can pineapple without sugar

How to Can pineapple without sugar

How to can Pineapple without sugar or sugar syrup When canning pineapple at home, adding sugar is completely optional. The natural sweetness of ripe pineapples is often sufficient, making sugar unnecessary for preserving the fruit. For those preferring a healthier option, canning pineapple in its own juice or with water is a perfect alternative. This … Read more

How to Can Pineapple


How to Canned Pineapple Since childhood, I wanted to know How to can pineapple! As a small boy, I loved visiting my grandma’s house. One sunny afternoon, I watched her skillfully canning pineapples in the kitchen. The air was filled with the sweet, tangy aroma of the golden fruit. She handed me a slice, and … Read more

Is it safe to can pumpkin?

Is it safe to can pumpkin at home?

Is it safe to can pumpkin at home? Yes, it’s safe to can pumpkin at home, but you need to do it carefully to avoid any risk of botulism, a type of food poisoning. Pumpkin is low in acid, which means harmful bacteria like botulism can grow if not canned properly. What equipment do I … Read more