Easy Steps to Dehydrate Marshmallows

What are Dehydrated Marshmallows?

Dehydrated marshmallows are like little bursts of joy! Great for jazzing up hot cocoa, baked treats, or snack mixes, these crunchy delights are super easy to whip up. Just dehydrate your marshmallows, and voilà – you’ve got yourself a fun, crispy treat to sprinkle everywhere!

Benefits of Dehydrating Marshmallows?

  1. Turn those fluffy clouds into crispy nuggets of joy! It’s like giving your marshmallows a delicious makeover.
  2. Who says snacks have to be boring? Dehydrated marshmallows add a fun crunch to any munching moment.
  3. Say goodbye to stale marshmallows! Dehydrating extends their shelf life, ensuring your treats stay fresher for longer.
  4. Concentrated sweetness alert! By removing moisture, the flavors of marshmallows become more intense and irresistible.
  5. From topping hot cocoa to decorating desserts, dehydrated marshmallows add a pop of fun to any dish.

How to choose the right marshmallows for dehydration?

Choosing the perfect marshmallows for dehydration is a piece of cake. Here’s how:

  1. Opt for plain, classic marshmallows without any fillings or coatings. They dehydrate more evenly and retain their flavor well.
  2. Consider the size you want your dehydrated marshmallows to be. Mini marshmallows dehydrate faster and are perfect for snacking, while larger ones are great for toppings.
  3. Look for marshmallows made with quality ingredients for the best flavor and texture. Natural flavors and colors often yield tastier results.
  4. Choose fresh marshmallows with a soft texture. Avoid ones that are overly stale or hard, as they may not dehydrate as well.
  5. Determine how many marshmallows you need based on your dehydrator’s capacity and your intended use. It’s always better to have a few extra on hand!

How to prepare marshmallows for dehydration?

Prepping marshmallows for dehydration is super easy.

  1. Decide whether you want to dehydrate your marshmallows whole or sliced. Slicing them into smaller pieces can help speed up the drying process and create bite-sized treats.
  2. If dehydrating whole marshmallows, arrange them in a single layer on your dehydrator trays, making sure they’re evenly spaced apart. For sliced marshmallows, spread them out evenly to ensure proper airflow.
  3. Dehydrating marshmallows is a slow and gentle process. Set your dehydrator to a low temperature (around 120°F to 140°F) and let them dry for several hours, checking periodically for doneness.
  4. To check if your marshmallows are ready, simply touch them gently. They should feel dry and firm to the touch with no moisture remaining.
  5. Once dried, allow your marshmallows to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container. This helps prevent them from absorbing moisture and becoming sticky again.

How To Dehydrate Marshmallows?

There are several methods and techniques you can use to dehydrate marshmallows, depending on the equipment you have available.

A. How to Dehydrate Marshmallows using a Food Dehydrator:


  • Food dehydrators provide consistent and even airflow and temperature, ensuring that marshmallows dehydrate uniformly without the risk of burning or uneven drying.
  • Dehydrating marshmallows at low temperatures in a food dehydrator helps preserve their nutritional content better.
  • Food dehydrators are typically energy-efficient appliances, using less energy than conventional ovens or other drying methods, making them cost-effective for long dehydration processes.


  • Most food dehydrators have a limited capacity, which means you can only dehydrate a certain amount of marshmallows at a time, making large-scale production more time-consuming.
  • Food dehydrators can be expensive to purchase initially, especially if you opt for models with advanced features or larger capacities.
  • Food dehydrators can take up a significant amount of counter or storage space, which can be a drawback if you have limited kitchen space or if you don’t plan to use it frequently.

How To:

  1. Start by arranging the marshmallows on the trays of your food dehydrator. Make sure to leave some space between each marshmallow to allow for proper airflow and even drying.
  2. Most food dehydrators have temperature controls. Set the temperature to the lowest setting possible, typically around 125°F to 135°F (or 50°C to 57°C). This low temperature helps preserve the texture and flavor of the marshmallows while slowly removing moisture.
  3. Once the temperature is set, place the trays with the marshmallows into the food dehydrator and close the door. Let the marshmallows dehydrate for several hours, checking periodically for doneness.
  4. The time required for dehydration can vary depending on factors like the size and density of the marshmallows, as well as the humidity level in your environment. Typically, marshmallows will need to dehydrate for 6 to 12 hours, or even longer, until they are completely dry and firm to the touch.
  5. Once the marshmallows are fully dehydrated, remove them from the food dehydrator and let them cool completely at room temperature. Then, transfer them to an airtight container or resealable bag for storage. Properly dehydrated marshmallows can last for several weeks to months when stored in a cool, dry place away from moisture and heat.
  6. Optional: If desired, you can infuse the marshmallows with flavor before dehydrating them. Simply place the marshmallows in a bowl and toss them with a small amount of flavored powder, such as cocoa powder or flavored drink mix, before arranging them on the trays of the food dehydrator.

B. How to Dehydrate Marshmallows in the Oven:


  • Dehydrating marshmallows in the oven can be more convenient than using a food dehydrator, as most households already have an oven available and it doesn’t require purchasing additional equipment.
  • Depending on the temperature used, dehydrating marshmallows in the oven can be a quicker process compared to using a food dehydrator, making it suitable for when you need dehydrated marshmallows in a shorter amount of time.
  • Unlike food dehydrators, which require purchasing a specific appliance, dehydrating marshmallows in the oven only requires the use of baking sheets or trays, which most kitchens already have.


  • Ovens may not provide as even airflow and temperature distribution as food dehydrators, which can result in uneven drying of the marshmallows, with some parts becoming overly dry while others remain sticky.
  • Marshmallows can easily burn in the oven, especially if the temperature is too high or if they are left in for too long, leading to a bitter taste and unpleasant texture.
  • Ovens typically consume more energy compared to food dehydrators, so using the oven for dehydrating marshmallows may result in higher energy costs, especially if done frequently or for long periods.

How To:

  1. Fire up your oven to a low temperature, around 200°F (93°C). We’re looking to gently coax the moisture out of these marshmallows, not roast them.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. This step will prevent your marshmallows from sticking to the pan and turning into a sticky mess.
  3. Place your marshmallows in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet. Give them some space to breathe so the air can circulate around them and work its magic.
  4. Slide that baking sheet into the preheated oven. Now, here’s where patience comes into play. Let those marshmallows hang out in the oven for about 2-3 hours. Yup, you heard me right. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to dehydrating these pillowy treats.
  5. After about an hour, take a peek at your marshmallows. They should start to shrink a bit and firm up. Give them a gentle flip or a little shuffle around the pan to ensure even drying. Then, pop them back in the oven.
  6. Keep checking on your marshmallows every 30 minutes or so. You’re aiming for a texture that’s firm but still slightly squishy, like a dried fruit. Depending on your oven and the size of your marshmallows, they may need more or less time.
  7. Once your marshmallows have reached the perfect level of dehydrated goodness, remove them from the oven and let them cool completely. Then, store them in an airtight container at room temperature. They should keep for a good while, but let’s be real, they’ll probably get gobbled up way before they have a chance to go stale.

C. How to Dehydrate Marshmallows in Air Fryer:


  • Air fryers are known for their quick heating and cooking times, which can make the dehydration process faster compared to using an oven or food dehydrator.
  • Air fryers circulate hot air around the food, providing even heat distribution, which can result in more consistent dehydration of marshmallows without the risk of burning or uneven drying.
  • Air fryers are typically compact appliances that take up less counter space compared to ovens or food dehydrators, making them a convenient option for kitchens with limited space.


  • Like food dehydrators, air fryers have a limited capacity, so you may need to dehydrate marshmallows in multiple batches if you have a large quantity to process.
  • Marshmallows contain a high sugar content, making them prone to melting when exposed to high temperatures, so they are likely to melt and stick to the air fryer basket or become overly gooey.
  • Dehydrating marshmallows in an air fryer may result in a slightly different flavor compared to traditional methods like toasting over a fire or using a food dehydrator, as the rapid dehydration process may not allow for the same caramelization and flavor development.

How To:

  1. Get your air fryer all warmed up and ready to party at a temperature of around 160°F (71°C). We’re keeping it cool and breezy to give those marshmallows a chance to dry out without getting too toasty.
  2. Arrange your marshmallows in the air fryer basket. Make a smiley face, or a heart, or just toss them.
  3. Pop that basket into the air fryer and let the magic begin. Set the timer for 2-3 hours. We’re in no rush; just let those marshmallows dance around in the warm air until they’re nice and dehydrated.
  4. About halfway through, give the basket a little shake to mix things up. It’s like a marshmallow disco party in there! This ensures that all sides get equal time in the spotlight and dry out evenly.
  5. Keep an eye on your marshmallows. We’re aiming for a texture that’s firm yet still squishy enough to enjoy.
  6. Once your marshmallows are done, let them cool off before you dig in. Then, transfer them to a container and get ready to enjoy.

How To Dehydrate Mini Marshmallows?

  1. Get your mini marshmallows and your dehydrator ready. Make sure you have enough space on the dehydrator trays for the marshmallows.
  2. Spread out the mini marshmallows evenly on the trays. You want them to have some room to dry out properly.
  3. Set your dehydrator to a temperature around 135°F (or 57°C). Let the marshmallows sit in there for about 6 to 8 hours.
  4. While they’re drying, picture those soft marshmallows turning into crunchy little bites. It’s like a marshmallow makeover.
  5. Once they’re done, you’ll have crispy mini marshmallows ready to enjoy. Sprinkle them on hot chocolate, add them to cereal, or munch on them as it is.

How long to Dehydrate Marshmallows?

To dehydrate marshmallows, it typically takes about 6 to 8 hours in a dehydrator set to around 135°F (or 57°C). However, the exact time can vary depending on factors like the size of the marshmallows, the humidity in the air, and the efficiency of your dehydrator. It’s a good idea to check on them periodically as they dry out to ensure they reach your desired level of crispiness without becoming overly crunchy.

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