How to Dehydrate Dandelion Flowers at Home

How to Dehydrate Dandelion Flowers

One spring morning, I was out in my garden, enjoying the sunshine, when I noticed dandelions popping up all over the lawn. Most people might see them as weeds, but I remembered how my grandmother used to collect them for all sorts of remedies. Feeling inspired, I decided to dehydrate dandelion flowers by myself.

I picked a basket full of bright yellow dandelion flowers and brought them into the kitchen. I didn’t have a fancy dehydrator, so I wondered if I could use the oven instead. As I laid the flowers out on a baking sheet, I couldn’t help but feel a bit excited. It felt like I was connecting with something old and wise, something my grandmother would have done years ago.

After a few hours of gentle drying, the flowers were crispy and ready to be stored. I couldn’t wait to make tea with them or try them in a salad, just like my grandmother used to do. It was a simple task, but it made me feel closer to her and to the earth, turning what most people see as a weed into something special.

How to Dry Dandelion Flowers in a Dehydrator

1. Pick the Flowers

Start by picking fresh dandelion flowers on a sunny day when they’re fully open.

2. Prepare the Flowers

Gently shake off any bugs or dirt. If needed, you can rinse them lightly with water, but make sure to dry them well with a paper towel.

3. Set Up the Dehydrator

Place the dandelion flowers in a single layer on the trays of the food dehydrator. Make sure they’re not overlapping so they dry evenly.

4. Adjust the Temperature

Set your food dehydrator to a low temperature, around 95°F (35°C) to 105°F (40°C). This helps keep the flowers’ color and nutrients.

5. Dry the Flowers

Let the dehydrator run for about 2-4 hours. Check them occasionally. The flowers are done when they feel dry and crispy.

6. Store the Dried Flowers

Once they’re completely dry, store the flowers in an airtight container, like a jar. Keep the jar in a cool, dark place.

How to Dehydrate Dandelion Flowers without a Dehydrator

Dry / Dehydrate Dandelion Flowers using the air-drying method

1. Pick the Flowers

Go outside and pick fresh dandelion flowers. Try to do this on a sunny day when the flowers are fully open. Make sure you pick them from a place that hasn’t been sprayed with chemicals.

2. Prepare the Flowers

Take off any dirt or bugs. You can gently shake them or blow on them to clean them. Don’t wash them with water, as this can make them harder to dry.

3. Lay Out the Flowers

Spread the flowers out on a clean cloth, paper towels, or a tray. Make sure they’re not touching each other so they can dry evenly.

4. Find a Drying Spot

Put the tray in a warm, dry place. It should be out of direct sunlight, which can fade the color of the flowers. A well-ventilated room, like a kitchen or a warm shelf, works great.

5. Let it Dry

Leave the flowers there for about 1-2 weeks. Check on them every few days. They should feel crispy and light when they’re done.

6. Store the Dried Flowers

Once the flowers are dry, you can store them in a jar or a sealed bag. Please keep them in a cool, dark place.

Dry / Dehydrate Dandelion Flowers using the oven

1. Pick the Flowers

Go outside and pick some fresh dandelion flowers. Make sure you pick them from a safe place where no chemicals have been used.

2. Prepare the Flowers

Shake off any dirt or little bugs. You don’t need to wash them with water; just make sure they’re clean and dry.

3. Set Up the Oven

Preheat your oven to the lowest temperature it can go. Usually, this is around 150-170°F (65-75°C).

4. Prepare the Baking Sheet

Place a piece of parchment paper on the baking sheet. If you don’t have parchment paper, you can just place the flowers directly on the sheet.

5. Arrange the Flowers

Spread the dandelion flowers out on the baking sheet. Make sure they’re not touching each other, so they dry evenly.

6. Dry the Flowers

Put the baking sheet in the oven. Leave the oven door slightly open—just a small crack. This helps moisture escape so the flowers can dry out.

7. Check the Flowers

Let them dry for about 2-3 hours. Check on them every 30 minutes to make sure they’re not burning. They should be crispy and dry when they’re done.

8. Cool and Store

Once they’re dry, take them out of the oven and let them cool. Store the dried flowers in a jar or sealed bag, and keep them in a cool, dark place.

How to use Dried Dandelion Flowers

How to use Dried Dandelion Flowers

There are several ways to use dried Dandelion flowers, as it has many benefits. Mainly Dandelion tea and Dandelion oil are famous.

So, Here are the steps to make on your own.

How to make Dandelion Tea

  • Put the dried flowers in a mug.
  • Pour hot water over them, and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • Then, strain the flowers out and enjoy your tea!
  • You can add honey or lemon if you like.

How to make Dandelion Oil

  • Fill a jar halfway with dried flowers.
  • Then pour olive oil over them until they’re fully covered.
  • Close the jar and let it sit in a sunny spot for about 2 weeks.
  • After that, strain the flowers out, and you have dandelion-infused oil.
  • You can use this oil for skin care, like a soothing massage oil.

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