How to Dehydrate a Mango


Dehydrate mangoes are like magical fruit snacks! By drying out ripe mangoes, we can keep their yummy, sweet taste around for a long time. It’s like having a tropical sunshine in your pocket.

What are Dehydrated Mangoes?

Dehydrated mangoes are a delightful snack made by removing the moisture from ripe mangoes. This process preserves the fruit and allows you to savor the sweet, tropical flavor of mangoes for an extended period.

Benefits of Dehydrating Mangoes?

Extended Shelf Life

Removing moisture prevents spoilage and extends the shelf life of mangoes, allowing you to enjoy them long after the fresh fruit is out of season.

Concentrated Flavor

The dehydration process concentrates the natural sugars in the mangoes, intensifying their sweet, tropical flavor.


Dehydrated mangoes are lightweight and easy to carry, making them a perfect on-the-go snack for hiking, traveling, or packing in lunchboxes.

Nutritional Value

Dehydrated mangoes retain many of the vitamins (such as A and C), minerals (like potassium), and antioxidants present in fresh mangoes


Dried mango can be used in various recipes, including trail mixes, baked goods, smoothies, and salads. It can also be rehydrated for use in cooking.

Reduced Waste

Dehydrating mangoes helps reduce food waste by preserving mangoes that might otherwise spoil.

Natural Sweetness

They provide a naturally sweet treat without the need for added sugars, making them a healthier alternative to candy and other sugary snacks.


Dehydrated mangoes are available year-round, regardless of mango season, ensuring you can enjoy their flavor any time.

How to choose the right mangoes for dehydration?


Choose mangoes that are fully ripe. They should give slightly when gently squeezed but not be overly soft or mushy. Ripe mangoes have a strong, sweet aroma at the stem end.

Some popular varieties for drying include Ataulfo, Haden, Kent, and Tommy Atkins. Ataulfo mangoes, in particular, are known for their sweetness and smooth texture.

Look for vibrant color without green patches. The skin should be a rich yellow, orange, or red, depending on the variety.

Choose medium to large mangoes for more substantial slices. Uniformly sized mangoes will dehydrate more evenly.


Make sure the mangoes are smooth, without bruises or soft spots, and that the flesh feels firm yet slightly soft.


Fresh mangoes should be used for the best flavor and nutritional content. Avoid using overripe or underripe mangoes.

How to prepare mangoes for dehydration?

  • Select ripe, but not overripe, mangoes. They should be firm yet yield slightly to pressure and have a sweet aroma.
  • Thoroughly wash the mangoes to remove any dirt or pesticides. Peel the mangoes using a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife.
  • Cut the mangoes into uniform slices. Aim for slices that are about 1/4 inch (6 mm) thick. Uniform thickness ensures even dehydration.
  • To prevent the mango slices from browning and to enhance their flavor, you can pre-treat them:
  • Lemon Juice Dip: Dip the slices in a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water for a few minutes.
  • Blanching: Briefly blanch the slices in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then transfer them to an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

How to Dehydrate Mangoes

A. Dehydrate Mangoes using a Food Dehydrator:


  • Food dehydrators are designed to dry foods quickly and evenly, ensuring consistent results with minimal effort.
  • You can control temperature and airflow settings, optimizing conditions for drying mangoes efficiently.
  • Dehydrators operate at low temperatures, which helps preserve the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in mangoes better than higher-heat methods.


  • Food dehydrators can be initially expensive to purchase, and operating them over time may increase electricity costs.
  • They require counter or storage space, which can be a consideration in smaller kitchens.
  • Dehydrating mangoes can take several hours to a day, depending on the dehydrator model and the thickness of the mango slices.


  1. Arrange the mango slices in a single layer on the dehydrator trays. Ensure they are not overlapping to allow proper air circulation.
  2. Set the dehydrator to 135°F (57°C), which is ideal for dehydrating fruits.
  3. Let the mangoes dehydrate for 8-12 hours. Check the slices periodically. The drying time can vary based on the thickness of the slices and the humidity level.
  4. The mango slices should be dry to the touch and slightly pliable. They should not be sticky or wet. If they break easily, they might be too dry.
  5. Allow the dehydrated mango slices to cool to room temperature before storing them.
  6. To ensure even moisture distribution, place the cooled mango slices in an airtight container for 5-7 days. Shake the container daily. This process helps to balance any residual moisture.
  7. Store the conditioned mango slices in airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags. Keep them in a cool, dark place. Properly dried and stored mangoes can last for several months

Useful Tips:

  • Uniform Slices: Ensure all slices are of uniform thickness for even drying.
  • Avoid Overlapping: Overlapping slices can result in uneven drying.
  • Check Periodically: Dehydrating times can vary, so check the mangoes periodically to prevent over or under-drying.
  • Proper Storage: Use oxygen absorbers or vacuum-sealed bags to extend shelf life and maintain quality.

B. Dehydrate Mangoes in the oven:


  • Using your oven is convenient because it’s a common kitchen appliance that most people have readily available.
  • You have precise control over the drying temperature, ensuring consistent results and preventing over-drying or under-drying.
  • You can dehydrate a larger quantity of mangoes at once compared to smaller dehydrators, making it suitable for batch processing.


  • Oven dehydration can be energy-intensive, especially if drying large batches or over extended periods.
  • Drying mangoes in the oven is generally slower compared to dedicated food dehydrators, as ovens may not have optimal airflow for efficient dehydration.
  • Using the oven ties up your cooking space, limiting your ability to use it for other purposes during the drying process.


  1. Cover the baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats to prevent sticking.
  2. Lay the mango slices on the prepared sheets in a single layer, ensuring they do not overlap.
  3. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting, typically around 140°F (60°C) to 170°F (75°C). If the lowest setting is higher, leave the oven door slightly open using a wooden spoon to let moisture escape.
  4. Place the baking sheets in the oven. Dehydrate for 6-12 hours, checking periodically. The exact time will depend on slice thickness and oven temperature.
  5. Mango slices should be dry and pliable. They should not be sticky or wet to the touch. Over-dried slices will be brittle.
  6. Let the dehydrated mango slices cool completely to room temperature before storing.

C. Dehydrate mangoes using an Air Dry Method:


  • Air drying mangoes typically requires minimal energy compared to other methods like oven drying or using a dehydrator.
  • It is a natural and traditional way of preserving mangoes without the use of electricity or specialized equipment.
  • Air drying at lower temperatures helps retain more of the mangoes’ original nutrients, including vitamins and antioxidants.


  • Air drying mangoes can take several days or even weeks depending on weather conditions, which may not be practical for those needing quicker results.
  • The process heavily depends on climate conditions, requiring warm, dry weather with good airflow.
  • Exposure to insects, dust, or other contaminants during the drying process outdoors can compromise the quality and safety of the dried mangoes.


  1. Place mesh or wire racks on a flat surface in a sunny, well-ventilated area.
  2. Lay the mango slices on the racks in a single layer. Ensure they are not overlapping to allow proper air circulation.
  3. Cover the mango slices with cheesecloth or a clean, thin cloth to protect them from insects and dust. Ensure the cloth is not touching the mangoes to allow air circulation.
  4. Let the mango slices dry in the sun for 2-4 days. The exact time will depend on the thickness of the slices, humidity, and weather conditions.
  5. Turn the mango slices once or twice a day to ensure even drying.
  6. The mango slices should be dry to the touch and slightly pliable. They should not be sticky or wet. If they break easily, they might be too dry.
  7. Allow the dehydrated mango slices to cool completely before storing them.

Useful Tips:

  • Weather Conditions: Choose a period of warm, dry weather for air drying. High humidity can hinder the drying process and promote mold growth.
  • Secure Setup: Ensure the drying area is secure from pets, pests, and children.
  • Patience: Air drying is a slower process than using a dehydrator or oven. Be patient and monitor the progress regularly.
  • Regular Checks: Check the mangoes periodically to prevent under or over-drying. Adjust the drying setup as needed to optimize airflow and exposure to sunlight.

D. Dehydrate mangoes in an Air Fryer:


  • Air fryers can dehydrate mushrooms faster than traditional methods, thanks to the circulating hot air, reducing overall drying time.
  • Air fryers are compact and can fit easily on countertops, making them suitable for kitchens with limited space.
  • Air fryers often come with multiple functions, allowing you to dehydrate mushrooms along with other foods, maximizing the appliance’s utility.


  • Air fryers have a smaller capacity compared to dedicated food dehydrators, so you may need to dehydrate mushrooms in multiple batches for larger quantities.
  • The airflow in air fryers may not be as evenly distributed as in food dehydrators, leading to potential inconsistencies in drying mushrooms.
  • If the air fryer has been used to cook strongly flavored foods previously, there’s a risk of flavor transfer to the mushrooms during dehydration.


  1. If your air fryer has trays or a basket, ensure they are clean and ready for use. Some air fryers come with special racks for dehydration.
  2. Lay the mango slices in a single layer on the trays or in the basket. Ensure they are not overlapping to allow for proper air circulation.
  3. Set your air fryer to its dehydration setting, usually around 135°F (57°C). If your air fryer does not have a specific dehydration setting, set it to the lowest possible temperature.
  4. Dehydrate the mango slices for 4-8 hours. Check the slices periodically to ensure they are drying evenly. The exact time will depend on the thickness of the slices and the specific air fryer model.
  5. The mango slices should be dry to the touch and slightly pliable. They should not feel sticky or wet. If they are too brittle, they may have been over-dried.


Q1. How do I know when the mangoes are fully dehydrated?

They should be dry, pliable, and not sticky.

Q2. What equipment do I need to dehydrate mangoes?

A sharp knife, cutting board, dehydrator/oven/air fryer, parchment paper, and airtight containers.

Q3. Do I need to pre-treat mango slices before dehydrating them?

Pre-treating with lemon juice is optional but helps prevent browning.

Q4. How long do dehydrated mangoes last?

Properly stored, they can last several months to a year.

Q5. Can I dehydrate mangoes without any special equipment?

Yes, you can use an oven or air-dry them.

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